Can Republicans find success through Trumpism without Trump?

Following the success of Republicans running on Trump-like issues in Virginia, a state Democrats won easily during the 2020 election, has the right found a new path to victory? Joel Pollak joins The Ezra Levant Show to discuss.

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Following the stunning victory of newly-elected Virginia Governor Glen Youngkin over longtime Democrat Party notable (and former governor) Terry McAuliffe, pundits and Republican Party insiders are wondering if this result is charting a new path to success: Trumpism without former president Donald Trump.

Breitbart editor-at-large Joel Pollak joined last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show to offer his perspective on the idea.

Is Trumpism without Trump the right path for Republicans? In Joel's opinion:

I think the answer is: we don't know yet. You're right that this was a victory for Trumpism without Trump; that Trump's policies, his success really set a new standard for American politics.

Americans look at the the Biden administration and at Democratic governors and say 'hey, we just had a guy in there for four years who offended everybody but he got a lot of stuff done.'

There's no way that there would have been a cargo crisis, a supply chain crisis with Donald Trump in charge. There's no way that China would be humiliating us on the world stage if Donald Trump were in charge.

So people understand, Trump has set a new bar for government service and for government performance. Trump ran it like a business — you have to satisfy the customer. People are used to that now, so they're completely fed up with Biden's non-performance.

For the full interview with Joel Pollak, and full episodes of The Ezra Levant Show weeknights at 8 p.m. ET/ 6 p.m. MT, become a subscriber to RebelNews+ today.

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