Ottawa truckers: Just how long are they willing to stay?

It would seem many of them are willing to stay for many weeks if it is needed — some are even willing to stay longer if it is necessary!

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A lot of truckers made their way to Ottawa on last Friday in support of the protest that took place on Saturday near Parliament Hill.

That night, I asked them what their intentions were, how long they were planning to stay there and if they thought this would bring change to the country's political decisions.

It would seem many of them are willing to stay for many weeks if it is needed — some are even willing to stay longer if it is necessary!

If you would like to sign the petition and support the trucker convoy, please visit and chip in! There, you can also view all our past and upcoming reports!

Un grand nombre de camionneurs se sont rendus à Ottawa vendredi pour soutenir la manifestation qui a eu lieu samedi près de la Colline du Parlement.

Je leur ai demandé quelles étaient leurs intentions, combien de temps ils comptaient y rester et s'ils pensaient que cela apporterait un changement dans les décisions politiques du pays.

Il semblerait que beaucoup d'entre eux sont prêts à rester plusieurs semaines si cela est nécessaire — certains sont même prêts à rester plus longtemps s'il le faut!

Si vous souhaitez signer la pétition et soutenir le convoi de camionneurs, rendez-vous au et contribuez! Vous pourrez également y visionner tous nos reportages passés et à venir!

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