Un-dynamic duo of COVID-19 and 'climate change' claims another victim: daily housekeeping services!

Caesars Windsor Hotel & Casino in Windsor, Ontario, reduced the frequency of its housekeeping services to once every three days during the pandemic.

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Over Christmastime, Lady Menzoid and Yours Truly visited Windsor, Ont. We stayed at the delightful Caesars Windsor Hotel & Casino for four days. Lovely room, very friendly staff, a terrific steakhouse, and if you’re into gambling away the milk money, there’s a gambling den and sportsbook downstairs. Better yet, not a single sighting of the infamous Windsor Trans Cat.

So, what’s not to love?

Well, if you’re expecting daily housekeeping services at this particular hotel, you’re out of luck. Alas, at Caesars, maid service now only occurs once every three days.

But why?

A front desk staffer told us that the new policy kicked in during the dark days of COVID-19. Apparently, it’s safer to clean a room once every three days as opposed to daily. I’m not a virologist, but how does reducing housekeeping services strike a blow against the coronavirus? Oh well, “follow the science,” they say. Would you believe weird science?

But, you say, the soul-destroying horror that was COVID-19 is now thankfully in the rearview mirror of history. So, why isn’t daily housekeeping at Caesars de rigueur yet again?

Well, it appears the Caesars corporation is the latest entity to subscribe to the kooky cult of climate change.

We couldn’t help but notice a small virtue-signalling sign affixed upon the bathroom mirror stating the following: “Housekeeping services are available every third night. Please call Housekeeping if you require fresh towels, toiletries or linens. Reducing daily housekeeping is part of our sustainability program and helps to reduce waste and conserve energy and water.”

Oh no. Et tu, Caesars?

Indeed, surely, somewhere, Greta Thunberg is doing a victory lap as she is chauffeured around in a borrowed Tesla…

Three things: One: admittedly, I’m no environmental whiz kid a la Steven “Jailbird” Guilbeault. But does anyone truly really believe that if Caesars provides daily housekeeping services, it would lead to the untimely demise of Mother Earth?

Secondly, let’s face it: one of the joys of staying at a hotel/motel is that you don’t have to clean up after yourself. You get out of bed, have a shower, bugger off to the restaurant, and then a few hours later when you return to your room, everything is magically pristine. A perfectly-made bed, a sparkling bathroom. It makes you feel like a bigwig with a personal maid or butler — well, at least temporarily. I always leave tips for the housekeepers because I so appreciate their hard work. But at Caesars, this service is no longer a daily occurrence because, well, there’s that impeding climate catastrophe we need to fret over…

Finally, as they say downstairs in the poker room, let’s not kid the kidders here. Sure, COVID and climate change make for super convenient excuses to cut back on housekeeping services. But the reality is that when Caesars scales back on its housekeeping services by two-thirds, that’s very healthy indeed for the hotel’s bottom line. Gee, you don’t think that’s the real unspoken reason for this dearth in housekeeping services, do you? Indeed: bet on it.

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