Massive protests in Israel: What's happening?

Joel Pollak joins the Ezra Levant Show to discuss the massive protests happening in Israel regarding judicial reform. 'When I talk to people on the left in Israel, including some of my own relatives, serious people, intellectual people, they almost never address the issue of judicial reform,' said Pollak.

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According to Ezra Levant, Israel has a political divide that is more shocking than anything he has seen.

"The United States, where Democrats and Republicans despise each other, where there's talk about a national divorce or even a civil war, I think it's just talk in America, but it feels like it actually is on the precipice of a genuine civil war in Israel," Levant said.

Joel Pollak, a senior Ed-at-Large at, has joined Levant to shine a light on what is happening, as he has been covering this story.

Pollak said to Levant:

It's exciting to hear that you're going to Israel in a few weeks because you will have a sense on the ground of how things feel. I've had the experience before, especially during the height or the depths of the second Palestinian intifada, of feeling as though Israel was under siege and perhaps even about to give up.

And when I arrived there, I found a healthy, thriving, robust society that was dealing with a problem of terrorism at the periphery, but was overall intact and simply too big and too strong for anybody to bring down. 

There's a panic on the left that is partly about the loss of political power, partly about intolerance toward any election or any governing majority that isn't them or that they didn't win.

And I think it's also fueled by social media. I think there's a level of unreality to it. I'm not trying to dismiss the idea that there really are divisions that are important.

"When I talk to people on the left in Israel, including some of my own relatives or I listen to what people on the left are saying, serious people, intellectual people, they almost never address the issue of judicial reform," Pollak added. 

"They are not really upset about the particular reforms being pushed. They are really expressing a kind of anxiety about their own place in Israel's future at a time when demographically the balance is shifting in favor of more religious Jews."

This is only an excerpt of last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show. To watch the full episode, become a subscriber to RebelNews+.


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