Arguments against a vaccine passport

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Is Canada set to roll out a vaccine passport? The concept, as Rebel viewers are aware, is already underway in Manitoba. Quebec has a plan to rollout out a vaccine passport system this fall. Schools and places of employment are levying requirements on their staff and students to get vaccinated.

Documents leaked to Politico suggest that the federal government has their own plans for a vaccine passport system.

On last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra listed off ten reasons why vaccine passports create more problems than solutions.

In the middle of Ezra's list were reasons number five and six, which focused on how this policy is giving government increased power over the population:

It's logic. If you're vaccinated, why do you care if I am? I mean, if the vaccine works, right? If you're vaxxed, doesn't it protect you? What do you care what I do with my own choices?

The sixth reason is government power over us. If you want to carry around your vaccine passport and boast about it like vegans can't stop talking about being vegan, or if you're on a gluten free diet, everyone within ear shot of you will know that by the end of the day.

OK, you want to have some sort of tell the world about yourself, sharing too much information [belief]? OK, I can't stop you. But this isn't some voluntary disclosure on your part, this is government power over us. Corporate power over us. This isn't voluntary.

Full episodes of The Ezra Levant Show air Monday–Friday at 8 p.m. ET/6 p.m. MT and are available to subscribers of RebelNews+.

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PETITION: No Vaccine Passports

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