Rebel News visits distribution centre for victims and families in Netivot, Israel

Avi Yemini visits a pop-up distribution centre initially established to aid the victims of the terror attack.

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Avi Yemini was in Netivot, southern Israel, only a few kilometers from where some of the worst massacres in this nation's history took place on October 7.

He went to at a pop-up distribution centre that was originally set up to assist the victims of the terror attack and is now helping the families of those currently serving and those who are too afraid to leave their homes.

“Welcome to Netivot, the food centre this revolution for all in need in our city right now,” said a woman who worked at the distribution centre.

“There are people that are sitting at home and they are worried about coming out. They are nervous and anxious. Little kids, husbands are in the army. They have nobody to do shopping for them," she said.

"So they are calling downstairs and we are typing and writing for them all their needs, and these guys up here getting all the invitations and filling up baskets. And we're sending it to their homes.”

Avi asked her how much does this cost them, and she said, “nothing.”

She continued:

On Saturday, October 7, when we got the first people that came from Kibbutz, that was burned down and people, you know, massacred, they came here to one of our facilities and they didn't have anything.

So we started collecting whatever we had. 

And then the mayor decided that we have to come up with some kind of a distribution center and supermarkets were close too.

So we had to give people food.

So we opened this distribution center and we have all kinds of similar diapers, dry foods, clothes, shoes, whatever we can give, we do.

"We are going to come out stronger out of this and we're going to take care of those people that was trying to put us down. We're not going to go down. We're going to go up,” the woman concluded.

And if you want to see more of our frontline reporting, go to and follow end share all our stories from here in southern Israel. If you support our mission, also consider chipping in to help cover our costs, thank you!

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